successful programs Debra Easterly 06 Mar 1996 12:10 EST

I am working on a thesis in partial fullfillment of my masters degree.
My research problem calls for me to make a comparison of research/grants
administration education activities for faculty/staff to adult education
models to see if they are similar.  I will then try to determine if those
programs similar to adult ed models are more successful than
"traditional" activities.  At this point I am trying to define
"successful" and I am asking for your help.

What measures do you use when you call the following activities a success:

Seminars and Workshops
Procedural or proposal development manuals
WWW home page information
Other educational activities:

Also, if any of you can recommend literature on this topic, I'd greatly
appreciate it.

Thanks in advance for any help.  Please respond to me privately and
eventually I will share what I find with everyone.

Deb Easterly, Director
Grants and Special Projects
Black Hills State University
1200 University, USB 9504
Spearfish, SD  57799-9504

Telephone:  605/642-6627
Fax:  605/642-6031