Re: US Institute of Peace grant programs Robyn Remotigue 05 Mar 1996 09:34 EST

I would like to see USIP put an announcement in the Federal Register
about the unsolicited grant opportunity.  I really keep up more with
the Fed Reg than I do the CFDA.  By the way, can you give me the name
of a contact at USIP.  I have been looking for a source at USIP that
could possibly answer a few questions for me.  Thanks in advance.

Date:          Mon, 4 Mar 1996 15:26:46 -0700
Reply-to:      Research Administration Discussion Group
From:          Research Administration Discussion Group
Subject:       US Institute of Peace grant programs
X-To:          Research Administration Discussion Group
To:            Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L

I recently called the United States Institute of Peace in an effort to track
down some information about their Unsolicited Grant Program.  I had located
a September Federal Register announcement about their Solicited Grant
Program, but was unable to find anything about their Unsolicted Grans.

I was told that USIP announces their Solicited Grants in the Federal
Register each fall because these topics change each year.  However, they do
not publish information about the Unsolicited Grant Program in the Federal
Register; instead, they announce it only in the CFDA because the funding
topics are the same from year to year.

Her question to me was, "Would it help if USIP put an annual announcement in
the Federal Register about the Unsolicited program in addition to the
Solicited program?"  I told her that it was my impression that most of us
dillegently read the Federal Register and use the CFDA as a secondary
source.  I offerred, though, to throw the question out to the listserv to
see if others agreed.

If you'd like to email me with your opinion or comments, I told her that I
would let her know the consensus.

Additionally, for general help from USIP, you can email to:  They will have a web site up beginning in May at

Thanks for your input.

 Judy Fredenberg
 Research Administration, UH116          email:
 The University of Montana          
 Missoula, MT 59812              FTP:,  cd to: user/fred
 406-243-6670                                              Fax: 406-243-2797

 Applying computer technology is simply finding
 the right wrench to pound in the correct screw.
Robyn B. Remotigue            
Research Development Specialist         (601) 325-3994
Sponsored Programs Administration       (601) 325-3803  FAX
Mississippi State University
P.O. Box 6156
Mississippi State, MS  39762

MONEY won't buy happiness but it will pay the salaries of a large
research staff to study the problem  -- Bill Vaughn