Re: Salary survey Anne Der Hagopian 19 Feb 1996 17:27 EST


I guess this answer covers it for now.  We should hurry with the next
survey so that we will have something to give the members. Lots of
interest in such a survey.


On Sat, 17 Feb 1996, Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:

>        RE:  SRA Salary Survey
>        SRA did a small pilot salary survey last year from within its
>        membership.  It was not originally intended for wide distribution
>        because of the sample size.  Members were welcomed to a copy, however.
>        A larger one will be conducted in the future using the knowledge
>        gained from the pilot done by the SRA Research Committee.  The
>        confusion about the charge to an SRA member is being checked, and will
>        be followed up on.  Thank you for your inquiry.
>        Diane C. Gilbert, CRA
>        SRA President