Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 Ann McGuigan 26 Jan 1996 14:15 EST

We've had a question arise at our institution as to whether the Lobbying
Disclosure Act of 1995, Public Law 104-65 (signed 12/19/95) has an impact
on sponsored activities and might require monitoring activities by the
Sponsored Research Office.   Steve Hanson shared with us a brief
description of the Istook amendment to the bill which was defeated in the
House.  The Istook amendment provided for restrictions on lobbying
acitivites of not-for-profits.  I have been able to retrieve the original
Senate bill on the www at http://thomas.loc.gov but have not found the
final language of the signed law.

If anyone has any information that would further enlighten us, I would
appreciate hearing from you.

Ann T. McGuigan, Ph.D.
Associate Research Coordinator/Compliance
University Research Office
Illinois State University
310 Hovey Hall
Normal, IL  61790-3040
Phone:  (309) 438-8595,  Fax:  (309) 438-7912
E-Mail: xxxxxx@ilstu.edu