Problems EAM01@xxxxxx 22 Jan 1996 12:56 EST

I have taken care of both Rebecca and Steve's problems with
duplicate subscriptions to RESADM-L, by deleting their second addresses
from here.  If anyone else is having this problem, please let me
know and I will zap your duplicate as well.   The problem is that
if you don't kill your old address WHILE YOU ARE STILL SENDING MAIL
FROM THAT ADDRESS the server won't let you kill it from your new address
because it thinks you are trying to kill someone else (computers are
oh so literal)

To answer Steve's question, YES, messages are being posted overnight
rather than as they arrive at our server.  This is due to some
problems we are having with our new internet connection, and
is temporary.  I will follow up with our system admin to see when they
anticipate fixing this.

In terms of claifying the gateway comment, I won't pretend to know
all the technical details, but basically, if you are on internet
and trying to talk to BITNET, you need a connection to BITNET.  Since
some institutions don't have both, they often have agreements with
institutions that DO have both to re-route their mail for them.
For example Steve's Hoagland's old address was
SRH300U%xxxxxx@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU  Again, not pretending to know
the technical nuances, this address (I believe) was routing Steve's
email from through CUNY which has a bitnet connection.  ODU probably
does not have one.

There are 900 of you on the list now and the transition to internet
caused a flood of errors that I have had to deal with (and am
still dealing with).  My apologies for not getting back to Rebecca
and Steve as quickly as I should have-- I had so many errors a few
times my email box basically had to be wiped out and re-established,
so I may not have received all your messages.  Anyone else who is
having problems --contact me.  (But don't do it this week-- I am
on VACATION and do not want my box to explode again)

Thanks for your patience.

* Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella            xxxxxx@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US*
* Director, Technology Transfer & Contract Programs           *
* Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209  *
* Voice: (518) 431-1200                    Fax: (518)431-1234 *