Summary -- FACULTY PROFILE Solutions Jane E. Prudhomme 19 Jan 1996 18:36 EST

This notice is to all who were following the discussion regarding "Faculty
Profile Solutions" and software to support that.  On Jan. 11, I posed the
question (paraphrased below):

 "Is there any interest in developing a standardized Web page for this
function?  The data would be stored locally (at each university) but there
would be some central Web site (probably the NCURA homepage at Rice) that
would 'point' to all the locations that choose to participate.  By using a
common page format, a standardized search format, a standardized keyword
thesaurus, etc. it would make things very easy for the 'visitors' worldwide
looking for specific research expertise. Perhaps a feature could be built
into the central site (i.e. NCURA/Rice) to perform a search on a region,
state, or total, comprehensive set of participant Web databases."

There were many responses, comments, and suggestions to this question
(including from NCURA) and I want to synthesize all of it.  Please give me
a couple of days and I will summarize the gist of ideas that have expanded
on this notion into a little report.  Will keep you all posted.  Thanks to
all who responded.

*       Jane E. Prudhomme, Director      *
*       Research and Sponsored Programs  *
*       University of New Orleans        *
*       New Orleans, LA 70148            *
*       (504) 286-7154                   *
*       Internet:          *
*  Web Page:    *