Posting of IDC Survey Results Diana Demers 12 Jan 1996 17:08 EST

I have received several requests for this survey, so I thought I would post
it for everyone.  I hope it isn't too hard to follow; formatting is a
problem.  This is a compilation of information others sent to me, much of
it is from earlier surveys done by Debra Easterly and Susan Kuyper.  Thanks
to them and to everyone who responded.

Diana Demers
Grants Administrator
Keene State College
Keene New Hampshire

University of New Hampshire:
General Fund                    50%
research center/institute       40-50%
Department                      10%
VP's Research Fund              25%
PI                              15%
VP for Research receives a small amount for a discretionary research award

Davidson College:
overhead                        40%
department                      10%
VPAA research fund              25%
PI                              25%

Wake Forest University:
matching fund account           15%
originating department          25%
university                      60%

University of Florida:
Ag component -
VP                              50%
dean                            25%
department                      15%
PI                              10%

Division of Sponsored Research -
VP/Research/Graduate Studies    60%
dean                            15%
department                      15%
PI                              10%

Medical College of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University:
department or research center   94%
central research administration  6%
 Western Carolina University:
state's general fund            50%
chancellor's discretionary fnd  50%

University of Wisconsin - River Falls:
Vice Chancellor's office        50%
dean of submitting college      50%

University of Louisville:
PI                              10%
chair                           10%
research administrator*         20%
university operations           60%
*for faculty recruitment

Black Hills State University:
university                     35%
college                        35%
grants office                  30%

The Graduate College--University of Northern Iowa:
General Fund                    65%
35% is distributed as follows:
principal investigator(s)       30%
PI's department                 15%
PI's dean                       15%
Graduate College*               40%
* to support the University Grants & Contracts Office.  The PI's funds are
for supplies and services related to research not salary; deans and heads
are to use their share to support faculty activities related to research,
scholarship, creative activity and future grant activity.

Bloomsburg University:
department*                     25%
research activities**           75%
*Allocation of these funds is a departmental decision but most departments
allow the individual generating the money to use it for professional
**The Provost, Assistant VP for Grad Studies and Research, and the Director
of Grants administer the fund.  Most is spent to support an internal grants
program that is used for seed money and for a "grant matching reserve" to
provide matching funds for proposals.
 Winona State University (Minnesota):
Dept of the PI          15%
College of the PI       10%
Library                 15%
Grants Office           35%
finance administration  25%

Texas A&M:
General                 50%
PI                      25%
chair                   15%
college                 10%

department              35%
college                 20%
Grants Office           25%
University              20%
Grants Office uses funds to send faculty to visit program officers, to
sponsor grants writing seminars, to host an awards reception for those who
have applied for grants.

Faculty get a percentage of the indirect earned in the grant, so for
instance, if they have a grant at our full indirect of 42.5% then they get
42.5% of the indirect retrieved from the funding agency.  This goes on down
to 8% where it stops. Below 8% the college must pay the difference.

Western Illinois University:
Sponsored Projects              35%
Dean                            45%
VP Administrative Services      15%
Provost/Academic Affairs         5%

Miami University (Ohio):
Indirect Distribution (except for special cases)
PI's Department                 15%
PI's Division/School/College    20%
Provost*                        20%
Financial Affairs General Fund  45%
* (including support of Research and Sponsored Programs Office)
General Fund                    33%
Office of Sponsored Research    17%
Dean and Chair (negotiated)     50%
In the event of multiple colleges and departments, allocations are based on
PI/PD's % effort.

University of Florida:
Vice President                 50%
Dean                           25%
Department                     15%
P.I.                           10%

University of Charleston:
Non-Research Grants -
general fund                    100%
Research Grants -
general fund                    50%
Dean                            50%
(each Dean has a different split within the division)

University of Wisconsin-River Falls:
General                         50%
Department                      50%

Marquette University:
General                         80%
Dean/Program Director:          20%

College of William and Mary:
Department                      17.5%
President's Discretionary Fund  17.5%
Internal Grants Program         35%
General Fund                    30%

Youngstown State University:
Department                      25%
Graduate Dean                   75%
The portion managed by the Graduate Dean is restricted to grant-related
initiatives (e.g., matching funds for grants, internal grants programs,
tuition payments for graduate assistants).
 Colorado State University:
College Dean:                   40%
VP for Research                  6.5%
Money distributed to the Deans must be used in support of research.  The
portion allocated to the VP for Research is used for start-up funds, cost
sharing and matching funds, and some travel grants.  An internal faculty
development grant program ($50,000 annually) is also funded from the
indirect cost revenue.

University of Akron:
Dean                            15%
Department                      17%
Research Office                 15%
PI                              10%
General Fund                    33%
Finance Office                   8%
Legal                            2%

Ohio University:
Academic Unit                   35%
Of this, up to 10% may be allocated to the Dean; up to 25% may be allocated
to the chair of the department which generated the grant; the balance goes
to the PI.

Emporia State University:
Research Office:                53%
School/College                  25%
Vice President                  15%
President                        5%
VP Fiscal Affairs                2%

Winona State University:
Department                      15%
School/College                  10%
Library                         15%
Grants Office                   35%
Gen. Admin.                     25%

Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis:
Sponsored Research              80%
General Fund                    20%
 Davidson College:
General Fund                    50%
Academic VP's
 Research Fund                20%
Department                      10%
PI                              20%

University of Southern California:
100% to school/college which pays 100% of indirect expenses.

Medical College of Ohio:
Department                     10%

Carnegie Mellon University:
100% General Fund

Central Missouri State University:
Dean                          50%
General Fund                  33%
Sponsored Res. Office         17%

Wake Forest University:
Matching Fund Acct            15%
Department                    25%
General Fund                  60%

Medical College of Pennsylvania/Hahnemann University:
Department/Chair            94%
Research Administration      6%

Western Carolina University:
State's General Fund    50%
Chacellor's Fund        50%

University of Louisville:
PI                      10%
Department Chair        10%
Faculty Recruitment     20%
General Fund            60%
 Black Hills State University:
General Fund            35%
College or School       35%
Grants Office           30%

Auburn University:
General Fund            60%
Dean/Chair              40%
Of the portion going to the Dean/Chair, the Dean determines what the exact
split will be and whether a portion of that 40% should go to the PI would
grant generated the income.