NIH Interactive Reserach Projects Program Charles E. Graham, Ph.D. 10 Jan 1996 12:07 EST

This program supports the coordinated submission oof 2 or more related
applications that do not require extensive shared resources.

Can anyone interpret for me the statement: "Each application will be
reviewed independently for scientific merit, and those judged merititious
will be considered for funding both as an independent award and as a
component of the proposed interactive project"?

Does this somehow increase the probability of funding? If not,
should I advise faculty to consider this option, and if so why?

Thanks for your insight.


 * Charles E. Graham, PhD.                  xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU *
 * Director, Office of Sponsored Research               504-388-8692 *
 * 117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University     FAX 388-6792 *
 * Baton Rouge, LA 70810                                             *
 *                                                                   *
 *     gopher:            *