Oryx, SPIN, et al John Finley 10 Jan 1996 08:25 EST

We are long-time users of SPIN.  We get the once-a-month updates and
have the new Windows version.  Their DOS version was one of the most
non-intuitive programs imaginable, and even with the Windows version,
you get the impression that they're being dragged kicking and
screaming into the last decade of the 20th Century.

Nonetheless, when we came up for renewal with SPIN, we did a trial
with DIALOG and IRIS and concluded that we liked SPIN best of the
three. DIALOG was friendly enough and fast.  IRIS would take some
getting used to. But what was most noticeable to us was that there
simply was more information provided with each of the "hits" on
SPIN--more about what the program/agency administrators were looking
for in an application, more about the restrictions.

Still, we probably will look at this again, next time around.
Especially if DIALOG improves and SPIN doesn't.

John Finley
Research Proposal Officer
University of Louisville
Louisville, Ky. 40292
Phone: 502 852-8363 Fax: 502 852-8362
Email: xxxxxx@homer.louisville.edu