Strategic Plans Darrell Erickson 04 Jan 1996 18:37 EST

I have previously posted a question regarding development of strategic plans
incorporating pre-award, post-award, and development offices.  Although no
one indicated their institution had undertaken such an effort, I did receive
several responses from others interested in the concept.  So..... I'll
repose the question.  We are interested in establishing a framework from
which each of the above offices can develop complimentary strategic plans.
 The basic premise is that grants can lead to gifts and gifts can lead to
grants, and each has related compliance issues.  Are there other
institutions approaching gifts/grants this way?  I understand that some
institutions house grants development and advancement under the same
administration - I would think that coordinated strategic planning would be
critical under this structure.  If you have tried to coordinate a strategic
plan encompassing the above, I would be interested in hearing about the pros
and cons.