Re: WWW sites Judy L. Fredenberg 19 Dec 1995 10:51 EST

Bill -- My web site is

This is a great idea; I like, also, the possibility of linking them off of
the NCURA homepage.


>It seems as if more and more grants/research offices are establishing
>web sites.  Wouldn't it be nice to have a list?  I volunteer--if you all will
>send me your WWW addresses, I'll compile a list and post it.
>Bill Campbell
>Director, Grants & Research
>UW-River Falls
 Judy Fredenberg
 Research Administration, UH116          email:
 The University of Montana          
 Missoula, MT 59812              FTP:,  cd to: user/fred
 406-243-6670                                                Fax: 406-243-2797

                When you're through changing, you're through.