WWW Sites Charles E. Graham, Ph.D. 14 Dec 1995 14:43 EST

In response to William Campbell's query, it would indeed be useful to have
a list of sponsored program/grants office web sites.

Rice does indeed have a list of sponsored research office home pages,
under University Departmental and Sponsored Research offices: Rice
provides a form to enable other universities to be added to the list.

Rice' URL recently changed and now is http://nhse.cs.rice.edu:80/TRAM/
or http://TRAM.rice.edu/  (it was www.cs.rice.edu)

Only relatively few sponsored research offices are listed at
Rice. I don't know if there are any criteria for acceptance.

It would be useful to have a comprehensive list of home pages (though that
is probably unachievable). It would be useful to have the list representing
this readership at least, preferably on a WEB page somewhere: SRA's WEB
site is only open to members, NCURA's is open to anyone (http://softlib.
rice.edu/ncura/), but it is presently linking to Rice to provide the same
listing of sponsored program and research offices.

I can find out if NCURA plans to have an independent listing in the future,
if there is enough interest; I will be attending NCURA's Committee on
Electronic Research Administration on 15 Jan.

Maybe Bill Campbell would like to consider not just collecting the info
and reflecting it to the list, but also making it available for posting on
the Web somewhere where it can easily be found. TRAM distinguishes between
Sponsored Program Offices and Department/Decentralized Offices in its
listing. Bill might want to ask folks to add that info. Bill?

What do listmembers think? Are there other options to consider?


 * Charles E. Graham, PhD.                  xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU *
 * Director, Office of Sponsored Research               504-388-8692 *
 * 117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University     FAX 388-6792 *
 * Baton Rouge, LA 70810                                             *