Re: Post-Docs Naegel, Gary P. 01 Dec 1995 16:07 EST

 Margo Lucarelli (now at Northwestern University) asked similar
questions about a month or so ago regarding postdocs, as we all await her
summarized response on this listserv!
 (1) Our titles are either Postdoctoral Associate or Postdoctoral Fellow
which can include the MD research post residency training program folk.
 (2) Our institutional has a 4 year total limit on postdoc positions at
Yale , regardless of  whether they have switched between titles of Postdoc
Assoc. and Postdoc Fellow, and if they have switched between departments at
Yale.  There is an appeal process taken on a case by case basis, however, to
request and extension of this time period, due to various and sundry
factors, such as a change in departments/faculty group/ or status from
postdoc associate to postdoc fellow, which has lead to the beginning of a
completely differently line of research interests, new techniques, etc., and
the  completion of an exciting productive project, coincidence with visa,
leaves of absence, etc.    These reasons, however, are now automatically
 (3) At the Yale School of Medicine, the range of salary for postdocs is
currently $19,600 to $45,000.    The ranges within departments, however, is
most important to consider, if you needed to make (or were unable to make)
equitable comparisons within rank.       Hope this helps,

Gary P. Naegel
Administrator, Pharmacology
Yale School of Medicine
333 Cedar Street  P.O. 208066
New Haven, CT  06520-8066
(203) 785-4373
(203) 785-7670  FAX

From: Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D.
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject: Post-Docs
Date: Friday, December 01, 1995 3:23PM

 We are trying to get a better handle on how we deal with Post
fellows at this institution and I would appreciate hearing how others deal
with a number of issues related to this position.
 1)  Do you have a specific title or titles that you utilize in your
personnel system to designate someone as a post-doc?
 2)  Do you have any restriction on how long someone can remain a
in a post-doc position? Obviously the individual could leave the
but can some make a career out of being a post-doc at your institution?
 3)  Do you have LOWER and UPPER limits on the salary allowable for
post-docs supported by other means than NIH training grants?

Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D.           VOICE:  (419) 381-4252
Assoc. V.P. for Research        FAX:    (419) 381-4262
Professor of Pharmacology       e-mail: xxxxxx@GEMINI.MCO.EDU
Medical College of Ohio
3000 Arlington Ave.
Toledo, OH 43614