Foreign Contract Darrell Erickson 15 Nov 1995 13:06 EST

Our institution is becoming more involved in submitting proposals for
international projects, some of which  include payments for services by
foreign researchers and translators.  These services will be performed
outside the United States and to our knowledge these individuals are not
performing these services under the umbrella of any corporation or
educational institution, i.e. the payments will be direct to the
individuals.  Our concern is compliance with local labor laws/taxation
requirements within each foreign entity. We have considered requiring that
PIs use a local IHE as the labor contractor and that we would subsequently
establish a subcontract with the foreign IHE, but there has been a degree of
resistance.  As we are fairly new to international contract management, I'd
appreciate any insights as to
other possible solutions.  Please post reponses or contact me directly at - (805)756-1123.