Re: subcontractor's responsibility Stuart A. Ross 06 Nov 1995 23:31 EST

I'm no legal expert, butmy experience and my sentiment tell me it is
NOT your responsiblity.

I have on occasion read the authorizing legislation and CFR text for
the prime, but only when the prime has less experience with the feds
than I do, e.g. a sole proprietor, and I view it as going beyond the
call of duty.  Dealing with a state agency, you should be able to take
their knowledge of the regs in good faith.  I alsways do get a copy of
ythe prime agreement, however.  At all the workshops I have attended
on contract topics, it has been noted that it is the prime's respons-
bility to pass compliance requirements down to the sub, so I would
infer that it is the prime's responsiblity to know matching require-
ments as well.
Let us know how this turns out!

Stuart Ross
California State University, Fullerton