Re: Meaning of Doing More with...? Len Paplauskas 13 Oct 1995 07:40 EST

Steve Hoagland <xxxxxx@ODUVM.BITNET> writes:

>These days most of us have heard the phrase "Doing More With Less."  I
>am curious about your interpretations of that phrase, aside from how you
>may feel towards it (like it, dislike it, etc.).  Thanks for your help.

At the UCONN Health Center this phrase has a particularly striking meaning.
Our VP and Provost is named Leslie Cutler.  So the phrase, "Do More With Les"
has been a catchword around here for years.

UMMMM, it's way too early in the a.m. to get me started on this.  Hope this
levity doesn't offend anyone like the vacation ad did!

Len P.