Re: Meaning of Doing More with...? Carol Davis 11 Oct 1995 11:26 EST

I don't know about everyone else, but I kind of enjoy the once-in-a-while
smile that comes across this list.  I can easily delete based on the
subject line if I am "too busy".

On Wed, 11 Oct 1995, Jan S. Odjemski wrote:

> I don't understand why anyone is even responding to these topics that
> have nothing to do with our profession.  This is a research admin.
> discussion group not a management theory group.  There are enough
> topics and situations to discuss in our field, we should not be
> flooding peoples e-mail with nonsense, or responses to marketing
> scams.  I don't know about anyone else but I have too much work to do
> to pay attention to meaningless discussions.  That is all I will say,
> I am dropping this topic for good!!!!

Carol L. Davis, Grants Specialist               (
Sponsored Programs and Research Office           419-372-2482
106 University Hall                             FAX: 419-372-0304
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403