Re: IRB and UG class projects Jablonski, Carol 06 Oct 1995 11:02 EST

I  like your definition.  We go one step further and maybe it's not
necessary.  If the students are collecting data and telling people we're
from ASU...etc....we make them follow the regulations for recruitment with
the necessary 8 basic elements etc.  In the long run, it's under the
auspices of ASU and it's
Coordinator of Regulatory Affairs
Box 878206
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-8206
Phone: (602) 965-6788
FAX:   (602) 965-7772

ASU that gets any complaints or questions and we just want to avoid any
noncompliance with our MPA.  But we do them as a classroom not individually,
unless they're theses or dissertations or exceed minimal risk. . In fact, I
encourage professors to set parameters so they fall within exempt research.


To: Carol Jablonski
Subject: Re: IRB and UG class projects
Date: Thursday, October 05, 1995 2:30PM

The IRB at the College of Charleston, a primarily undergraduate teaching
institution, has struggled with this issue during its 2.5 years of
existence and has just recently decided that "student research
projects" which are done primarily in Psychology and Education, do
not require IRB review.  We define a student research project as:

 "a project which is a normal part of the student's coursework; is
 supervised by a faculty member; has as its primary purpose the
 development of the student's research skills; does not present more
 than minimal risk to participants or to the student investigator;
 AND is not genuine research which is expected to result in
 publication or some other form of public dissemination."

If the student's project does not meet this definition, it must be
submitted to the IRB for review.  Of course, it can then be determined
exempt or can be given expedited review according to the federal regs.

We do not give any of our IRB members release time.  Our volume is so low
right now that I don't think we could justify it in terms of time devoted
to the task as perhaps larger schools with many more protocols could.  The
only request we've had here so far is for a free parking pass for our
community member.  I think we should always be sure the service that our
IRB and IACUC members provide is recognized at tenure and promotion time.

Barbara H. Gray                             
Director of Sponsored Programs                        Phone:  (803) 953-5673
University of Charleston, SC                          FAX:    (803) 953-1434
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424-0001