Re: Indirect Costs Use Charles E. Graham, Ph.D. 06 Oct 1995 09:21 EST

On Fri, 6 Oct 1995 07:55:36 -0600, Nancy Peterson wrote:

>We would like to use some of our indirect cost funds to pay for on-campus
>training of administrators and faculty in the team approach to management.
>The training would not be related to any particular grant project.  As I
>read A-21, this should be an allowable cost.  Can anybody out there confirm
>my conclusion?
**************> Indirect cost reimbursements are reimbursement for costs
already incurred by the University. As such, they may be placed in the
unrestricted general fund and used for any purpose proper to the general

 * Charles E. Graham, PhD.                  xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU *
 * Director, Office of Sponsored Research               504-388-8692 *
 * 117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University     FAX 388-6792 *
 * Baton Rouge, LA 70810                                             *