NIMH-Social Work Dev. Ctr. Program Suspended? Bev Baker-Ajene 22 Sep 1995 17:57 EST

A professor informed us today that the 10/1 proposal deadline for this
program (PA 92-078) has been cancelled and the next due date will be
Feb. 1, 1996.  We also heard they hadn't sent, and didn't plan to
send out a notice or memo about the cancellation.

Has anyone else heard of or  received notification on this
cancellation, officially or otherwise?  Are there any NIHers or
NIMHers on this list who can confirm?

Any and all responses are appreciated.  Thanks!

Beverly Baker-Ajene      email:
Grants & Contracts-OSP   voice: 817-273-3897
U. Texas at Arlington    fax: 817-794-5808
Box 19145
Arlington, TX 76019-0145