Re: NEH Summer Stipend Deadline - Is it CANCELLED? Sandra Mann 19 Sep 1995 10:50 EST

>I received a FAX from the NEH Media Office dated 9/13/95 about program
>cancellations and postponed deadlines.  The Summer Stipend announcement
>was not on that list - that's how fast it's changing.  I believe their
>WEB page is updated in timely fashion.  This list is one of the best
>Found out about the dissertation program when one of our chairs showed me
>a letter he'd received in August.  I'm too new here to be getting mail
>directly from NEH, but their notification system at this point seems to
>be based on their mailing lists - not very useful when change is so rapid.
>Andrew J. Grant                    The Jewish Theological Seminary
>Director of Foundation              of America
> and Corporate Relations           3080 Broadway
>xxxxxx@JTSA.EDU                   New York, NY 10027
>(212) 678-8934                     FAX: (212) 678-8941
>Dear Andy,

How are you?  How are things going?  Wanted to keep the lines of
communication open.  It's nice to hear from you.

Sandy Mann
Sandra Mann, MPA
Assistant Director, University Research
University of Florida
219 Grinter Hall
Gainesville, Florida 32611