Re: NEH Summer Stipend Deadline - Is it CANCELLED? Liz Lieberman 19 Sep 1995 02:31 EST

I had e-mail this morning from a contact at NEH who informed me that they
have indeed cancelled (the word he used was "suspended") this year's Summer
Stipend competition.  One of the questions I sent back to him was how NEH
is planning to inform the research community.  I haven't yet had a response
from him about this.  But I trust his information 100%.

Liz Lieberman
Director, Office of Sponsored Research
Wellesley College/ Wellesley, MA 02181

>A member of our internal committee to select NEH Summer Stipend
>nominees forwarded to me a message from a History LISTSERV that stated
>that the 10/1/95 Deadline for nominations to the NEH Summer Stipend
>Program had been CANCELLED.
>Can anyone confirm this "rumor"?  Anyone from NEH hearing this?
>I have >> not << received this "announcement" from an AUTHORITATIVE
>source. As is the case with many of us, I need to know SOONEST whether
>to proceed or not with our internal process.
>What have you heard?
>Kenneth D. Buelow
>The Graduate School / University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
>P.O. Box 340 / Milwaukee, WI 53201
>414/229-5449   /   /   FAX=414/229-6967