Finding mailing lists Dan Snyder 01 Sep 1995 09:57 EST

>From: Nancy Peterson <xxxxxx@VAX2.WINONA.MSUS.EDU>
>Subject:      Other Net Groups
>To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
>Just thought I'd ask if anyone out there knows of other "lists" to hook up
>to.  I would like to do some more exploring!

Here's a great way to find mailing lists that interest you: if you have
access to Netscape or another web browser, point it at:

Here is their intro statement:

This database of 12,850 listserv, majordomo and listprocessor mailing lists
at 298 sites is maintained by the Indiana University Support Center for the
UCS Knowledge Base. Enter a word or partial word, and you'll get back a list
of all the lists containing that word in their title or official description
(even if it's embedded inside another word.) This database was last updated
August 3, 1995, with new information directly from all of the sites listed