Other Net Groups -Reply ORA ORA 01 Sep 1995 09:33 EST

Elizabeth Mazzella's response to your request included really
valuable tips. Regarding the NIH E-Guide, Johns Hopkins no longer
provides this service, it is handled directly by NIH and the new
address is:  xxxxxx@LIST.NIH.GOV.

Catharine Crea
Office of Research Administration
New York Medical College
Valhalla, New York 10595

>>> Nancy Peterson <xxxxxx@VAX2.WINONA.MSUS.EDU>  8/31/95, 08:58am
Just thought I'd ask if anyone out there knows of other "lists" to
hook up to.  I would like to do some more exploring!

Live long and prosper.   >:-I

Nancy Kay Peterson
Director of Grants
Somsen Hall, Room 202-C
Winona State University
Winona, MN  55987
Phone:  507/457-5519
FAX:    507/457-5586 e-mail: xxxxxx@VAX2.winona.msus.edu