Re: Debarment and Suspension Certification Edward Miller 23 Aug 1995 08:35 EST

In reference to Jim Kemp's question on the certification applying only to
 faculty I do not
believe that is correct as it would depend on what action was taken relative to
 the terms and
treatment of the debarred person.  The GSA publication will give you more
 details on this.

There is a electronic list of parties excluded from Federal Procurements and
nonprocurements which you can access via a modem.

Prepare terminal: Full Duplex, even parity, 7 data bits, 1 stop bit and 2400
 baud rate.  The
phone number is (404) 331-7205.

After you connect login type  L DEBAR (note all caps)  once connected follow the
on screen.

Although I have used this I find it somewhat difficult and still find having a
 subscription to
the GSA Lists of Parties Excluded From Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement
the best source.  A annual subscription (Monthly issues) is available from the
Printing Office for about $86./yr.

Hope this helps.

Edward F. Miller, Jr.            
Executive Director
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
 Research Foundation
450 Aiken Street                                TEL  508 934-4747
Lowell, MA 01854                         FAX  508 453-6586