Re: SRA Naegel, Gary P. 14 Aug 1995 11:33 EST

SRA Executive Office
1200  19th Street NW Suite 300
Washington, DC  20036-2412
Phone: (202) 857-1173
FAX:      (203) 429- 5112

Gary P. Naegel
Administrator, Pharmacology
Yale School of Medicine
333 Cedar Street  P.O. 208066
New Haven, CT  06520-8066
(203) 785-4373
FAX: (203) 785-7670

From: P. Scott Morris
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject: SRA
Date: Monday, August 14, 1995 11:25AM

Could someone please provide me with an address or phone number for the
Society of Research Administrators?

I appreciate your assistance.

Scott Morris
University of Illinois
Department of Nuclear Engineering
Phone:  (217) 244-4949
Fax:    (217) 333-2906