Re: PHS 2590 and PHS 398 Susan B. Rausch 10 Aug 1995 11:29 EST


I called NIH to order the new PHS 2590 applications.  They are not
available yet.  I was told to contact them again during the 3rd week of
August.  I was also told that the old forms will be good until the new
ones are available.



Susan Rausch                                    Phone:  (501) 575-3845
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs         Fax:  (501) 575-3846
University of Arkansas
120 Ozark Hall
Fayetteville, AR  72701                 E-mail:


On Thu, 10 Aug 1995, Cynthia O. Burroughs wrote:

> Hello again,
> Please forgive me for not being clear in my earlier message.  It's
> been  a long week.  The first question I asked about clarifying the
> first statement of change published in the NIH Guide on July 28
> pertained to the PHS 398. However, the second question about an
> effective date of use pertained to the revised PHS 2590 applications.
> Has everyone but us heard from NIH that the we should begin using the
> new PHS 2590 on September 1?
> Again, your assistance is appreciated.
> Cindy R. Burroughs
> Grants Coordinator
> Office of the Vice President for Research
> Sponsored Programs
> The University of Georgia
> 622A Boyd GRSC
> Athens, GA  30602-7411
> (706) 542-5972