Re: Already a question for you! Charles E. Graham, Ph.D. 02 Aug 1995 14:54 EST

I don't know to which Charlie Lesley is addressing the question, but this
Charlie's knowledge does not compare with that of other's (not
necessarily named Charlie) in this list. Would someone like to respond? I
think we had a thread on this topic recently.

On Wed, 2 Aug 1995 11:47:34 -0400, Lesley Cephas wrote:

>Charlie:  Hope you're not too incredibly busy. . .I have another one of
>those "but that's the way we've always done it" issues (remember, I just got
>here).  I was hoping you could shed some light.
>I remember reading (during my university days) that "cost plus a percentage
>of cost" procurements were not allowable costs.  Now I'm faced with a
>procurement where the vendor is proposing a budget that shows total costs
>(including IDC), a fee equal to 8% of total costs, and a GRAND TOTAL COST of
>the project.
>Does any of this sound familiar?

 * Charles E. Graham, PhD.                  xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU *
 * Director, Office of Sponsored Research               504-388-8692 *
 * 117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University     FAX 388-6792 *
 * Baton Rouge, LA 70810                                             *