Re: PHS 398 Forms Jean Humphries 27 Jul 1995 18:20 EST

We have all the "old" PHS 398 forms available on MS Word and/or Excel.
However, I have not been able to locate the correct MIME script to make
them available on the Web via a Macintosh server.  In addition, we have not
received our copies of the revised application kits yet.

As soon as we get the new PHS kits and find the right MIME script the forms
the NIH forms, as well those for NSF, DOE, ONR, NASA, ARO....are available
to anyone on the internet.

 Can ANYONE out there help (or point me in the right direction) with
Macintosh MIME script???

 Thanks, Jean


Jean N. Humphries
Director, Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
Texas A&M University System

006 Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center - MS 3406
College Station TX 77843-3406

Phone:    (409) 845-1264
Fax:      (409) 845-9643

>MIME-Version: 1.0
>X-Complete-Subject:           re: PHS 398 Forms
>Date:         Thu, 27 Jul 1995 14:34:12 EDT
>Reply-To: "US Dept of HHS: GrantsNet Info and Updates" <xxxxxx@LIST.NIH.GOV>
>Sender: "US Dept of HHS: GrantsNet Info and Updates" <xxxxxx@LIST.NIH.GOV>
>From: Suzanne Neill <xxxxxx@OS.DHHS.GOV>
>Subject:      Re: PHS 398 Forms
>To: Multiple recipients of list GNET-L <xxxxxx@LIST.NIH.GOV>
>PHS has not made electronic application forms/kits available.  The Department,
>with NIH as the lead, is currently coordinating with other Federal granting
>agencies in developing an electronic research grant application.  The prototype
>for this type of interaction is based on electronic data interchange (EDI) X12
>standards and the development of a governmentwide grants transaction data set.
>This approach therefore eliminates the need for agency-specific "forms."
>Testing of the prototype is planned to begin in December (hopefully).
>Some universities have developed their own forms and placed them on the
>Internet.  I happen to know that Arizona State Univ was planning to develop
>mosaic-based application forms (PHS, NSF, etc.) on their ResearchNet system.
>Unfortunately, I don't have their URL connection.
>-- Suzanne M. Neill
>Grants Policy Specialist and
>  GrantsNet Core Team Chair
>Division of Grants Policy and Oversight
>Office of the Secretary, HHS


Jean N. Humphries
Director, Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
Texas A&M University System

006 Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center - MS 3406
College Station TX 77843-3406

Phone:    (409) 845-1264
Fax:      (409) 845-9643