Re: Foundations on the Web Jacquelyn.Krones@xxxxxx 14 Jul 1995 15:26 EST

I have put up a new funding information webpage that has all of the
nonfederal sponsors that I've been able to find on the 'net.  It's in the
wrong place for the moment, but you can find it under 'resources'
(instead of under 'funding') on the reSEARCHnet server.

On Fri, 14 Jul 1995, Wil B. Emmert wrote:

> Seeing the gopher address for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation prompted me
> to look at the Foundation Center.  They have several information pages
> including one on grantmakers.  Take a look at "" (forget
> the quotes).  They have linkes to several foundations - try George Lucas Fdn
> and are trying to provide even more.
> If you make it to the SRA meeting in Chicago, there will be several sessions
> devoted to web topics.