Re: NIH Awards (Reduced by 30%) Robert Aull 12 Jul 1995 15:39 EST

To Michael Holland:

Which institute at NIH are you working with?  I have received letters
from the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research which indicate
that non-competing renewals to that institute will now have to include
two budgets: one with a 15 percent reduction in direct costs and one
with a 25 percent reduction! I have not (as yet) seen any mid-year
across-the-board cuts similar to what you describe, and quite
frankly I hope I don't.  Could it possibly be project specific, and
not a program-wide cut?
Robert Aull
Research Administration (317)274-8664 {FAX-7499}
Indiana University/Department of Medicine
541 Clinical Drive (CL635) Indpls IN 46202-5111