HHS/NSF Final rule Judy L. Fredenberg 11 Jul 1995 09:24 EST

The joint HHS/NSF final rule and notice for "Objectivity in Research;
Investigator Financial Disclosure Policy" was published in today's Federal
Register.  As expected, it has an October 1 effective date.

I have placed a copy on my anonymous ftp site.  If interersted, use
anonymous as your logon, your email address as your password, and you can
ftp it from ftphost.umt.edu.  Change directories to user, fred, then FedReg.


 Judy Fredenberg                                                Fax:
 Research Administration, UH116        Internet: xxxxxx@selway.umt.edu
 The University of Montana            Web: http://www.umt.edu/research
 Missoula, MT 59812                FTP: ftphost.umt.edu (cd to user/fred)
 (406) 243-6670

                        Money DOES talk -- it says goodbye.