WWW Sites Len Paplauskas 17 May 1995 07:13 EST

I am cross-posting a message sent by Stefan Gruenwald on the "biz-biotech"
mailing list.  Its content is pertinent to some of the discussions we've had
on alternative sites for the Federal Register.

>Subject: New biotech WWW sites
>Date: Monday, May 15, 1995 11:05AM
>Dear Netters:
>I found the following new www biotechnology sites:
>Stefan Gruenwald
>(biz-biotech listowner)
>There is a new WWW site with a good index of medical manufacturing companies
>WWW sites.  It is called MEDMarket and is located at
>http://web.frontier.net/MEDMarket/. --
>Scott Oblander
>Internet Address: xxxxxx@oblander.seanet.com
>For any of you infterested in FDA regulation-
>There is a new WWW page devoted to Regulatory Affairs information.
>The URL is http://www.cybernetics.net/users/RAinfo/reglink1.htm
>The site features links to various FDA and other governemnt agency
>Internet sites as well as links to regulatory professional groups
>(including the just starting RAPS home page and a local NC regulatory
>discussion group).
>There is also a free BBS (The Regulatory Forum) at (919) 848-9461.
>FDA guidelines and other infromation is availabel for downloading.
>Connect at up to 14400 using 8N1.
>Subject: biopages
>May we announce a 'permanent' exhibition site
>for the biomedical sciences located at
>A number of companies are joining us in may
>among which are:
>Dupont NEN, BioWhittaker, Dynatech, Muratech, BIS
>Abbott Diagnostics Division is already with us and
>you may be interested in the discovery of a new
>hepatitis virus GBV-C - or the application of LCR
>to Chlamydia testing.
>Many Laboratory Magazines are coming online
>and, on now, is Laboratory Products Update with
>a part April edition - the full May issue is in
>Please take a look. There is no registration required.