Re: I C Recovery Louis Guin 12 May 1995 14:48 EST

Hi Bob Swanson,
>Director Grants and Contracts
>     702-895-1153
>     702-895-4410 FAX

Given that IC recovery is a reimbursement for costs already incurred, the
revenue is similar to other currrent unrestricted moneys. Therefore, you can
deploy them in accordance with University's priorities.

At USC we retained about 20% in central admin, the rest goes to the academic
schools in direct proportion to their respective actual IC recovery. Each
dean can use these moneys based on his/her own priorities; for example, the
Dean of Engineering used IC recovery revenue to fund a new research building.

My personal opinion is that the IC recovery is more efficiently used when
school or departmental priorities are ranked first instead of the individual
PI's financial needs: remodeling a departmental lab, installing an office
LAN, creating a school/departmetal fund to fund faculty members working new
projects for external fundings, etc.

A formula for allocating recovery to individual faculty may be a percent of
the amount he/she broought in last year. I know that an institution that
returns 10% for example.


Louis Guin, PhD, Assistant VP
Univ. of Southern California
Office of Financial Analysis
UGB Suite 107, MC-8002
Los Angeles, CA 90089-8002
(P) 213 743-2454
(F) 213 748-0871