SBIR/STTR and Intellectual Property Rights Lauren S. Unger 03 May 1995 12:06 EST

Admin Associate; Health Sciences Office of the VP for Research
PHONE:  852-7097  FAX:  852-1004

The University of Louisville office that oversees tech transfer and patenting
development issues on campus would appreciate advice from the RESADMIN group
on how to deal with SBIR/STTR-funded projects involving intellectual property.
We are looking for clarification on who owns the rights in the case of new
inventions/discoveries resulting from these types of collaborations -- the
University, the Investigator(s), or both? Is there any hard and fast rule or
is this matter open to negotiation?? Please send guidance on the subject to
Dr. Lauren Unger by e-mail at xxxxxx@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU or by phoning

P.S. We would also be interested in receiving instructions on how to sign on
to the TECHNO-L listserver.

Thanks for your help.