Re: Recruiting Costs Richard Moore 27 Apr 1995 14:13 EST

>My Business Office wants to charge search costs (advertising, travel, etc.)
>for employees hired through grant funds to the grant account.  I assume this
>cannot be done if the search is conducted before the grant period begins,
>but I don't believe I've ever seen search costs written into any grants from
>agencies such as NSF, the U.S. Department of Ed, NIH, etc.
>Do any of you routinely include employee search costs in your proposals?
>Are there any federal agencies that accept search costs as allowable?
>Is the only OMB related regulation on this A-21?  And does section J.32. on
>recruiting costs apply in situations where you are conducting searches for
>just one or two individuals for the purposes of a grant project?  (To me,
>J.32. sounds like they're referring to a project that contains its own
>grant-supported personnel office.)

We have included search / interview costs in a couple of Dept Ed.
grants where we knew we'd need to go outside the universtiy to find
the personnel.  These were service projects in which we needed to
find people with definite skills and experiences.

 Richard H. Moore
 Assistant Vice President for Grants and Sponsored Research
 and Professor of Biology

Coastal Carolina University                E-MAIL:
P.O. Box 1954                              VOICE: (803) 349-2050
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