Re: Priorities for Grants Andrew J. Grant 22 Apr 1995 11:04 EST

David Cohen's comments are well taken, but the issue today is much more
complicated than one of academic freedom and protecting faculty research from
the arbitrary actions of the administration.  Perhaps the link between the
institutional mission and the decision to move forward on a proposal, as
stated in the original question, is too broad.  There are cases where it is
appropriate to prevent proposals from going out.  The danger lies in how the
criteria are developed and applied.  For example, the NEH Summer Stipend
program for faculty limits to 3 the number of applications each institution may
submit.  How do we determine which of the dozen or hundred applications get
approved?  First come first served?  Hardly a rational policy.  Similarly, two
faculty want to submit to the same foundtion for different projects.  Only one
can go.  Who decides and how.  An application goes to a sponsor that excludes
overhead.  The institutional policy demands a minimum of XX%.  Does the
committee have a role to play here?  This is fertile ground for discussion.
Hope to see RESADM-L ignite with some lively fireworks on this issue.
Andrew J. Grant, Ph.D.
Director of Grants
Baruch College/CUNY
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