Re: Sponsor info? Denise A. Wallen 29 Mar 1995 15:56 EST

The Ploughsahres Fund address is Fort Mason center, B-330, San Francisco,
CA 94123, 415/775-2244.  This information came from the Grant Seekers
Guide, third revised edition.

On Wed, 29 Mar 1995, Marcia L.
Zuzolo wrote:

> In a very nice rejection letter from the Compton Foundation, Compton
> suggested to our PI that he consider the Ploughshare Fund in San
> Francisco.  Great lead, we thought, but nobody here can locate
> information on the Ploughshare Fund.  Any clues?
> -Marcia
> Marcia Landen Zuzolo
> Sponsored Research Services
> Indiana University
> fax: 812/855-9943
> voice: 812/855-0516
> internet:

Denise Wallen
Office of Research Administration, University of New Mexico
Telephone: (505)277-2256 FAX: (505)277-5567