Re: American Heart Association Evelyn Ford 24 Mar 1995 10:50 EST

There are several  ways to deal with the American Heart Association
disk problem.

1.  Macs with SuperDrives will read PC disks.  If you have MS-Word for
Mac, double-clicking on the PC file icon will open the Mac version.  When
you're done, you can save the Mac file as a PC file on the PC disk and
send it back to the AHA.

2.  MacLink Plus from Dataviz will work just fine converting these files
but it's an extra step you don't need to take.  As a matter of fact, the
translation files used by MS-Word on the PC and on the Mac are the
DataViz translators!  However, I highly recommend this program because it
does so much to aid in the communication across these two platforms.

Anyone who would like private assistance with this problem is welcome to
contact me -- I've had quite a bit of experience with these very
situations.  Please provide me with the details of your software
(versions) and hardware so I can give you the correct answer.

* = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = *
Evelyn J. Ford, Research Administrative Manager
ASRI Neurosciences Research Center
Allegheny Campus, Allegheny General Hospital
Medical College of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University
Pittsburgh PA 15212  U.S.A.
412.359.4499 FAX
412.359/4475 voice
* = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = *

On Fri, 24 Mar 1995, Jill Mortali wrote:

> Regarding the American Heart Association new applications on disk, we have
> found that, although the labels on the disk state that they contain MAC
> files, they are NOT compatible with MAC at all.  We called AHA and they said
> that they are not even able to utilize MAC disks because they are an IBM
> shop.
> There are only two files that they require be submitted on disk with the
> paper application--file 04 and 09.  Assuming that we were given the correct
> information concerning the MAC compatibility problem, we are wondering if
> this deadline will be a "grace period" and they will accept the paper
> application without the disks.  Also, we recently purchased a program from
> Datavis that enables us to convert the IBM formatted disks to MAC.  This may
> be another solution.
> Best Regards,
> Jill Mortali
> Office of Sponsored Programs
> University of Massachusetts Medical Center
> Worcester MA