American Heart Association Arnie Aronoff 22 Mar 1995 10:52 EST

Is anyone experiencing problems with American Heart's request that
investigators submit two application forms for its June 1 deadline programs
on disk?  AHA provides institutions with IBM-formatted diskettes which
contain electronic versions of the applications.  These disks are
compatible with MS Word 6.0 for Windows or Mac or WordPerfect 5.x for
Windows only--they are not compatible with any other software.

We are currently running MS Word for Mac 5.1a in our shop and polling
investigators and departments to see if they can meet AHA's request given
their software.  MS Word 6.0 is kind of clunky and buggy and currently only
one individual in our department has the capability of using it.  Thanks.

Arnie Aronoff
University Research Administration
University of Chicago
Arnie Aronoff
University Research Administration
(312) 702-9262