Re: Human subjects software Lori Hulak 15 Mar 1995 16:39 EST

I have created a system in FileMaker to track Human and Animal Protocols....Once
a month it generates letter's to the P.I.'s to remind them that their protocols
are about to expire.  I track approval dates, project title, grants supporting
this research, if it is for animals - what type of animals and if this project
utilizes controlled substances.  I will be happy to e:mail a copy of this
database to anyone interested in taking a look at it.  I would also be
interested in any comments......Please e:mail me at:
Lori Hulak, Training Grants Coordinator
Harvard Medical School, Department of Neurobiology

 Subject:                               Time:10:02 AM
 OFFICE MEMO          Human subjects software                Date:3/15/95

Do any of you use or know about a database system for monitoring human
subjects IRB approvals?  We are looking for a tracking system that also
includes a tickler file to remind PI's when applications to the human subjects
committee are due, etc.  We use Mac's and have Excel and FileMaker capability.
 If you have developed a system in-house, would you be willing to share?
Thanks.  Sally Tremaine, Grant and Contract Administration, Yale University.