Salary Caps and Other NSF questions Philip V. Spina, CRA 01 Feb 1995 12:03 EST

Dear Fellow Discussion Group Participants -

1.  Thanks for your responses both direct and through the bulletin board to
my NSF question.  The response is that NSF does not presently have a
Foundation-wide salary cap.

2.  Another NSF question - Has anyone heard if NSF is planning on publishing
a new regulation requiring a policy on the retention of research data?  There
was some discussion at a recent meeting of research officers here in Ohio
where a statement was made that this was the next big issue at NSF after
conflict of interest.

Thanks -

Phil -

Philip V. Spina, CRA
Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Wright State University
122 Allyn Hall
Dayton, Ohio 45435
(v) 513-873-2425
(f) 513-873-3781