Institutional NRSAs KAREN PFISTER 05 Jan 1995 09:15 EST

Yesterday I requested any information on Institutional NRSAs.
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

I am aware that the Payback Agreement has been simplified.  My
concern is in the way the funds are expended and the
monitoring of the appointments, ie. carry forwards of stipend

The "one-slot" appointment can be very difficult to monitor when you
have multiple years and early terminations.  In the perfect world, we
would have appointments that last the year's duration.  However,
often for various reasons, trainees leave the training programs
before the year is up.  The remaining funds then dump back into the
account and often the PI's try to re-appoint another trainee for the
remainder of the time.  While this is against the policy of INRSAs,
it is a very sensitive issue to monitor with the project directors.

How does everyone handle the carry forward of funds for stipend
obligations on NIH Institutional Training Grants?  We have
established an internal two account system to keep our
stipend/tuition separate from our training related expenses.  This
step was taken to track the carry forward of funds for stipend
obligations.  However, we are finding this could cause reporting
problems for many reasons.

In the past, the procedure for determing the amount of money to be
carried forward for stipends and booking the additional funds on the
current grant year has been a multi-step process.  I would like to
find out if other institutions have a successful procedure to follow
concerning this complication.

Thanks for any assistance,

Karen Pfister
Sponsored Programs Coordinator
Office of Research Services
State University of New York
Stony Brook, New York  11794-3366
fax (516)632-6963

 |  Karen Pfister                                 |
 |  Sponsored Programs Coordinator                |
 |  Office of Research Services                   |
 |  State University of New York                  |
 |  Stony Brook, NY  11794-3366                   |
 |  (516)632-9139    fax (516)632-6963            |
 |  xxxxxx@ORS.ORS.SUNYSB.EDU                   |