Compensation during Christmas break? Charles E. Graham, Ph.D. 21 Dec 1994 12:07 EST

Here is a timely question for you all:

Some of our faculty have raise the question whether they can
request salaries on grants over the Christmas/New Year break.
They argue that since this is a holiday, it is not part of their
appointment. The administration regards their academic year
appointment as being a 9-month appointment that embraces the
Christmas break. Perhaps our contract and policies are not as
explicit on this matter as they need to be.

A-21 is pretty explicit about what compensation is allowable
during the "base salary period" and "other periods not included
in the base salary period", but leaves us to determine
what the base salary period is.

My guess is that the feds would freak out if they were asked to
reimurse salary for work conducted over the Christmas break. What
is your opinion? Would it be proper to ask non-federal agencies
for such compensation?

Under what conditions could one make an argument for extra
compensation over the holiday. If a faculty member's time was fully
committed, and he wanted to take on a project during 2 weeks over
Christmas, would a request for extra compensation be reasonable?

What compensation is due to a faculty member who is forced by
circumstances to conduct field work out-of-town during the

Your experience will be very helpful in enabling us to deal with
this problem authoritatively. Thanks for your help.

Season's greetings!
Charlie Graham, Director, Office of Sponsored Research
117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 50310     504-388-8692;  FAX 388-6792