Bah Humbug to LIST errors! Elizabeth A. Mazzella 20 Dec 1994 11:11 EST

Now that the holidays are fast approaching:  a little reminder to all of
you that if you will be going away for an extended period and will
not be checking your e-mail, please set your RESADM-L subscription
to NOMAIL -- this will effectively "turn off" your mail while you
are away and will prevent your electronic mail box from filling up
and bouncing error messages back to yours truly.

How to turn off your mail

Send the following e-mail message to xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET


REMEMBER!  Do not send this message to RESADM-L -- that will just result
in all 495 of us getting your command that was intended for the LISTSERVER.
We will all laugh at you (but will do so in the nicest possible way in
light of the joy of the season :-) )

When you return and want to start getting mail again, just send the following
message to xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET


This will turn your mail back on-- See above REMEMBER! note --same applies
here, but if you do it twice, we will not be as forgiving :-)

Happy holidays to all of you and best wishes for a joyous new year!

* Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella             xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET  *
* Director, Technology Transfer & Contract Programs           *
* Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209  *
* Voice: (518) 431-1200                    Fax: (518)431-1234 *