IDC Disbursement/Incentives Bill Caskey 04 Nov 1994 13:37 EST

I agree that maintaining a large number of PI accounts in the Research Office i
s too much, but the incentives are a big bonus. I return the IDCs to department
s and deans through a revolving (ie, not terminated at the end of the fiscal ye
ar) account with no restrictions. Thus, it's up to the dean and chairs involved
 to monitor individual expenses and account for allowable expenses. Everybody s
eems happy with this. I know I am!!

Relative to distribution of faculty savings, I can only justify allowing that m
oney to remain in the college/department in which the savings were generated, u
nless the Provost wants a piece of the action. Other offices have received thei
r "cut" from the IDC from the project. Currently, salary savings are distribute
d here in the same manner as IDC (33% general fund, 17% research, 50% dean & ch
air) and I'm negotiating with the Provost to leave all of it with the college a
nd department.

Having been a bench scientist always wanting more money, equipment, and help, I
 can't imagine a PI accruing a discretionary balance very large except to "save
 up" for a major piece of equipment that can't otherwise be purchased.

Bill Caskey
Director, Sponsored Research & Projects
Central Missouri State University
Warrensburg, MO  64093
   Voice:  (816) 543-4092
     FAX:  (816) 543-8333