Hold Harmless/Foreign Expeditions -- Clarification Barbara Gray 27 Sep 1994 13:02 EST

Thanks for the input received thus far regarding my 9/26/94 question about
liability for researchers on foreign expeditions (i.e., National Geographic
Society funded).  Just wanted to clarify that our Principal Investigator,
who is a full-time faculty members who will be doing his part of the
field work between fall and spring semesters, will receive all coverage and
benefits that are available to any employee of our institution.  We
are most concerned about the investigators from other institutions and
countries.  None of them will be on our payroll; most will be paid by
their own institutions and organizations.  The NGS grant will only
provide for air fare, ground transportation, and food and lodging costs
for the field researchers.  Sorry that my first message was lacking detail.

Barbara H. Gray                                  xxxxxx@cofc.edu
Director of Sponsored Programs                   Phone: (803) 953-5673
University of Charleston, SC                     FAX:   (803) 953-1434
66 George Street
Charleston, SC  29424-0001