Indirect cost sharing (AKA Research Incentive Distributions) Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D., Med. Col. of Ohio 22 Sep 1994 08:06 EST

In Response to Susan Kuyper's Questions:
 The Medical College of Ohio returns 10% of indirect cost recovered
from each grant account to the primary department of the principal investigator.
Our current federal rate is 46% MTDC and our rate for clinical trials and
other corporate research is 25%.  There are really no restrictions on how
departments/investigators spend this money, other than it must be spent in
accordance with institutional/state policies.
 I should add that in addition to the above, we also return an amount
equal to 25% of faculty salaries and fringes CHARGED to grant accounts to the
department of the faculty member whose salary is charged to a grant account.
We currently have no policy which requires any portion of a faculty member's
effort be CHARGED to a grant account, but this policy is intended to be a
carrot, rather than a stick, to make this happen.  To date, I believe that it
has been rather effective.
 Both of these Research Incentive plans are paid on a quarterly basis in
the year AFTER the incentive was earned.  Last year we returned over $600K to

A Question for Steve Hoagland at ODU:
 I am a little confused by your term "net IDC".  How much is left over
to distribute after you pay for support of your research foundation's operation
and give the state 30%.  Are we talking about 50%, 5% or 0.5% of your total IDC

Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D.           VOICE:  (419) 381-4252
Assoc. V.P. for Research        FAX:    (419) 381-4262
Professor of Pharmacology       e-mail: xxxxxx@CUTTER.MCO.EDU
Medical College of Ohio
3000 Arlington Ave.
Toledo, OH 43614