NIH GUIDE Liz Mazzella 15 Aug 1994 14:16 EST

For anyone out there who subscribes to the NIH Guide electronically
(NIHGDE-L) you may be interested to know that there is also a list
to which you can subscribe that will send you only the Table of
Contents for each issue of the Guide.  If you have access to the DHHS
Gopher, you can easily access information and full text of announcements,
so,  if like me, you receive a ton of e-mail, the full text NIH Guide
received on NIHGDE-L can be cumbersome when all you really need is a
summary of what is newly available on GOPHER.

To subscribe only to the table of contents for the NIH Guide send the
following message:

"SUBSCRIBE NIHTOC-L FirstName Lastname"(first & last name should be in
upper/lower case) Don't include the quotes.

For Bitnet, send the message to:  xxxxxx@NIHLIST
For Internet send it to xxxxxx@LIST.NIH.GOV

* Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella             xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET  *
* Asst. Dir. Technology Transfer & Sponsored Pgms.            *
* Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209  *
* Voice: (518) 431-1200                    Fax: (518)431-1234 *