On vs Off-campus I/C Rates geri walker 04 Aug 1994 12:13 EST

I am curious to find out how other institutions handle indirect cost
charges where a project contains both on- and off-campus activities.
Currently at my institution, we do use both our on- and off-campus indirect
cost rates on the same grant.  Our rates are based on salaries & wages,
so this is fairly easy to do (summer field work is charged at the
off-campus rate, everything else considered on). We are now thinking,
however, about using only one rate per project.  I know there are various
ways of determining what rate to use (percentage of project off-campus vs.
on; degree of on-campus facility use, etc.), but haven't decided which way
to go.  So, I thought I'd find out how others handle the issue.


Do you use more than one rate on a project?
If not, how do you decide what rate to use?

You can answer via the list or to me directly.

                Geri Walker, Director
                e-mail:  xxxxxx@henson.cc.wwu.edu
                Bureau for Faculty Research
                Western Washington University
                Bellingham, Washington